Take Your Pets with You

All cats, dogs and ferrets are welcome.


Avoid unexpected


Deserved to Holidays

Make Your Pets Happy

The Pets Travel Scheme (PETS) allows pet cats, dogs and ferrets from certain countries, including the UK and Republic of Ireland, to enter or re-enter the UK without quarantine as long as they meet Defra regulations.

Under the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS), pet cats, dogs and ferrets can travel to the UK by air on approved routes with any one of the authorised carriers.
It is the responsibility of the carrier (Airline) to check that the pets are eligible to travel under PETS.

Pets on Jets are only licensed to accept the arrival of Pets over the age of 6 months old on a non-commercial basis. If your pet is younger than 6 months old, they cannot be entered into the UK through Manchester Airport and will have to travel into an airport with a Border Inspection post instead.

To become authorised to transport pets under the scheme, the Airline must conclude an agreement with Defra, called a Required Method of Operation (RMOP).
This document describes the process from check-in at origin; transport from aircraft to Pets on Jets, and how checks will be carried out. Defra officials will be responsible for approving the document, and monitoring its implementation.

Pets will be pre-booked according to the airline’s cargo booking system and a Pre-Alert should be sent by the airline to Pets on Jets no less than 48 hours ahead of arrival (72 hours for weekend bookings)

Before release of the pet to the owner, all relevant checks must be successfully completed.

If a pet fails one of the checks (e.g. Passport or Certificate not signed or microchip number incorrect), the pet will be transferred from Pets on Jets to the Quarantine handling facility within WFS Cargo.

Failures will be handled in accordance with standing instructions but would be likely to entail removal of the pet to a quarantine kennels at the pet owner’s expense until the problem can be resolved.

The PETS Helpline, for general information about the scheme, is +44 (0) 870 241 1710

The PETS Website for general information, is on https://www.gov.uk/take-pet-abroad


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